Is the Glass Always Half Full? Examining the Relationship Between Dispositional Optimism and Risky Decision Making
Dispositional optimism is considered a stable personality trait and as such may influence expectations about outcomes in a variety of decision-making scenarios. The current study assessed the relationship between dispositional optimism and decision-making behavior when risk is present. To investigate whether optimism was associated with risky decision-making behavior, we examined the relationships between dispositional optimism and two correlates (attributional style and trait hope) and risk-taking behavior on the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) for 61 participants (Mage = 19.62). Correlational analyses between the three measures of optimism and IGT performance indicate that dispositional optimism and risky decision-making behavior are not significantly related to one another. This study contributes to the literature examining how individual differences influence decision-making. A broader perspective on the factors that influence decision making is necessary so that the mechanisms that predict and explain risky decision making can be better understood.
Keywords: dispositional optimism, decision making, risk, attributional style, hope, Iowa Gambling Task
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